Doing Business With Us FAQs

Doing Business with Us FAQs

Managing the stormwater and wastewater systems for the St. Louis region is a complex job. The team at MSD is here to help you make sense of it all. Find answers to common questions about Purchasing, Suppliers, and Development Review below. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.

Purchasing FAQs

First, and foremost, read the bid solicitation carefully to be sure you understand all requirements for the solicitation and the MWBE participation goal. If you have questions for which you need clarification, contact the person listed on the solicitation.

If you are bidding as a prime supplier and are a minority or woman owned business (MWBE), be sure to include a copy of your MWBE business certification with your bid.

If you are bidding as a prime supplier, however your company is not an MWBE business, but you are submitting MWBE suppliers or service providers as sub-contractors, be sure to include a copy of the MWBE business certification for those sub-contractors with your bid.

If you are bidding as a prime, you must come to the “bid table” with your MWBE sub-contractor(s) identified and the dollar amount of participation stated.

  • City of St. Louis
  • Missouri Office of Equal Opportunity

Yes. MSD can provide a copy of our tax exempt letter from the State of Missouri upon request.

For Bid Opportunities, please visit the Planroom.

For all MSD bids posted on the Planroom, downloads are no charge. There is a charge for printing.

Visit the Planroom for more information.

Yes. In fact, the District has several lists and they are:

  • Supplies and Services

For more information, check out: Suppliers

  • Major Capital Improvement Projects

Find the application here: Prequalification Application 

  • Engineering Design

For more information, check out: Engineering Design 

For CIRP, you must be prequalified to submit a bid. This is done by completing and submitting a package that is on the website. Once submitted, this is reviewed by a team, and a notification will be sent to contractors once review is complete. Bidders must be prequalified to submit a bid on the CIRP projects.

Learn more about participation in CIRP.

For non-CIRP, you need to notify Purchasing to get set up.

Learn more about being an MSD supplier.

To submit a bid as a prime contractor for improvement bids, (major construction projects) you must be pre-approved.

You can bid on a supply, service, or routine construction repair project without being pre-approved.

To be considered for engineering design projects you must be pre-approved.

It cannot be accepted if it is received past the appointed date and time. No exceptions can be granted.

Suppliers FAQs

The MSD Purchasing Division is responsible for the contracting of all supplies, materials and services required by the District. Through competitive bidding procedures, this function ensures a reliable and cost-effective source of supply of goods and services.

To be added to our supplier list, please contact:

For questions regarding accounts payables or invoices, please contact:

For information regarding a specific bid, contract, service, or supply, please reference the Purchasing Team contacts below:

Van Griffin – Purchasing Agent for our Commodities Blankets and IT Contracts:

Steve Trenz – Purchasing Agent for our Services Blankets:

Stacey Hunter – Buyer for Capital Construction projects and Pump Stations:

Damita Morris – Buyer for Capital Construction and Yards:

Gina Jamison – Buyer for our Plants/MSD Market Street location:

Betsy Schubert – Purchasing Manager:

Development Review FAQs

The applicant must have filed a cash or corporate bond in an amount not less than $10,000, stating that the permittee, his agents, and employees, shall comply with all of the terms, conditions, provisions, requirements, and specifications of MSD’s rules and regulations.

The applicant must have a certificate of qualification or other applicable license to perform work as a master drain layer issued in his name by the Board of Examiners of Plumbers and Drain Layers of the City of St. Louis or of St. Louis County or other applicable licensing authority.

All applications for permits for construction of sewer and drainage facilities, for connection to such facilities and for repair of a connection to such facilities shall be made by a master drain layer.

The charges for Connection and Construction permits and inspection fees are as follows:

House Connection Permit $75.00
Storm, Sanitary or Combined Construction Permit (with footage) $195.00
Construction Permits with no footage $75.00
Sanitary or Combined Inspection Fee $5.80/ft.
Storm Inspection Fee $4.20/ft.
Sampling Tee No Charge
Lift Station $4,000.00
Lift Station Radio Conn Fee (includes radio) $3,488.00

MSD requires a 24-hour notice prior to starting construction.

MSD requires that all public or private sewerage and drainage works proposed to be constructed, altered or reconstructed by any person or corporation, public or private, within MSD’s boundaries, be submitted for review and approval. This includes any altering of any storm drainage channel, site drainage or flood plain within those boundaries. Property boundary changes may affect the public-private balance of existing sewers and therefore must be submitted as part of the development or redevelopment process.

The applicant should contact the Engineering Department at (314) 768-6272 with any general questions regarding the submittal of a project. If the applicant has questions about a specific project or design criteria, please contact the following individuals:

Projects already submitted: Reviewing engineer, as previously assigned
South and West Area
Bob Miller, P.E.
(314) 335-2053

North and East Area
John Alexander, P.E.
(314) 768-2707

MSD requires the submittal of a minimum of one set of plans (prepared and sealed by an engineer registered in the State of Missouri), a completed online “Create an Application” process and a fee of $450. The Engineering Department should be contacted if there is any question about the required fee. MSD does not charge a fee for projects funded by governmental agencies (municipalities & fire districts only) that have a reciprocity agreement with the District.

Upon submittal of the plans and submittal fee, the project is given a project number and assigned to a review engineer. The project developer and engineer are notified of the assigned project number and review engineer within a week of receipt of the plans. The initial review will be completed within two to three weeks. The review engineer will then upload review comments and corrections. The review engineer will also notify both the owner and project engineer of any other requirements MSD may have such as easements, fees, etc.

Once the plans have been corrected to address all of MSD’s requirements and all other documents and fees have been paid, MSD will process the plan approval and notify the developer, the project engineer, and the appropriate municipal agencies of the approval. The developer will also be notified as to whether or not permits, construction deposit and as-built deposit are required.

After the construction and as-built deposits have been paid, the owner’s licensed drain layer must take out permits from the District for the work, prior to beginning construction. In addition, the MSD Construction Section (314) 768-6379 must be notified a minimum of 24 hours before start of construction. Failure to take out the permits and notify the MSD Construction Section may result in MSD withholding construction approval of the project and denial of any future permits to either the owner or the drain layer.

Any person, firm or corporation desiring to construct, install, relocate, connect or reconnect any sanitary, combined, or stormwater sewer or drainage facility, whether public or private, within the boundaries of the District shall cause plans and specifications to be prepared by a registered professional engineer, licensed in the State of Missouri, and shall cause the same to be submitted to the District for examination, revision, and approval according to the design standards of the District. Such approval shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of a permit for the construction of such facilities, and no such facilities shall be constructed without a permit therefore from the District. All such plans and specifications shall be prepared in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the District.