Employee/CEO Town Halls 2022

Watch the Town Hall Recording

Please find a 14-minute recording of the 2022 CEO/Employee Town Hall on the Learning District by following the below instructions:

  1. Go to the Learning District
  2. Click “Menu”
  3. Select “Learning and Metrics”
  4. Select “Course Catalog”
  5. Search “Summer 2022 Town Hall with Brian Hoelscher (Pre-Recorded Video)”
  6. Select “Details”

Please note that the information presented in this meeting is subject to change. If you are viewing this recording at a later date, some information may have changed. Please find up-to-date COVID-19 guidelines at msdprojectclear.org/msdcorona. If you have questions about any of the information presented in this recording, please contact public affairs.

Town Hall Recap

The 2022 town hall meetings covered three broad topics.

The current state of COVID-19

COVID infection and transmission levels locally and across the state are slowly rising. The St. Louis region is considered a high-risk area for transmission by the CDC, and local and national public health officials still recommend masking indoors.

In addition to all of MSD’s COVID-19 guidelines, employees are reminded that:

  • MSD recently loosened its masking guidelines. Employees must wear masks when entering a building, leaving a building, and when interacting with other people indoors in a situation where at least six feet of distance cannot easily be maintained.
  • Employees should continue to use virtual meeting options where possible and should only meet with others in-person when it makes good business sense and when a virtual option is not viable.
  • Non-MSD employees are not allowed in MSD facilities unless there is a good business reason and a virtual option is not viable.

COVID-19 future policies/next six months

Current dedensification policies, including the current wowork-from-homechedules, will remain in place through the end of the calendar year. This accommodates the unknown of how the virus will behave in the fall and the current reduced parking availability at the Market Street office

Senior management is creating a formal work-from-home program not related to the pandemic. At this time, management plans to share this policy with employees in September with the goal of implementing it at the start of the calendar year 2023. Depending on the state of the pandemic at that time, there may be an overlap in pandemic-related work-from-home schedules and formal work-from-home policy schedules

Each department will identify which positions are eligible for part-time work from home. Policies will apply to all employees with the same job title within a given business unit (this could include a whole department, a division within a department, a working group within a division, or another appropriate business unit). Employees with the same job title in different business units may have different work-from-home eligibility.

Any work-from-home eligibility must make good business sense and must not interfere with each employee’s ability to deliver exceptional customer service both externally and internally.

Senior management is also putting together a formal policy on flex schedules. At the determination of department directors, employees may be eligible for both the work-from-home program and a flex schedule.

Upcoming Rate Proposal

MSD is developing a rate proposal to present to the rate commission and the Board of Trustees in 2023. The proposal will cover both wastewater and stormwater. Anything that needs to go to voters will be on the April 2024 ballot.

On the wastewater side, MSD will present proposed adjustments to the flow contribution assumptions for unmetered customers in the City of St. Louis.

MSD is also in the process of doing a regular compensation study as required by our charter. As part of the rate proposal, MSD will present a proposal for anticipated wage increases. The rate commission will also look at the cost-effectiveness of MSD’s operations.

MSD will also once again propose raising revenue for a stormwater capital program. This will likely include an environmental justice component as well as a municipal grant program similar to that currently used in the OMCI sub-districts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Will employees who are eligible for work-from-home schedules also be eligible for flex schedules?

A1. At the discretion of department directors, some employees may be eligible for both the work-from-home program and flex schedules.

Q2. What will the environmental justice component of the stormwater rate proposal include?

A2. The environmental justice component will designate a portion of stormwater capital funds for environmental justice areas as defined by the state or federal government. Often these areas don’t price out from a cost/benefit perspective. This program will ensure MSD addresses these areas and will allow MSD to compete for more grant funding.

The stormwater rate will also include an affordability component so those who have less means will pay less and those who have more will pay more.

Q3. Will employees who work from home receive mileage for site visits?

A3. As defined by IRS rules, SMD can not provide mileage for an employee’s first trip from their home or their last trip to their home.

Q4. How does MSD distribute its videos and PSA’s to the public?

A4. Public Affairs promotes MSD’s video content on several platforms including both paid and organic social media, pre-roll ads on online video platforms, TV and radio partnerships, and through earned media with local news stations.

Q5. Will MSD install bollards to protect the walkways and entryways at Market Street office from traffic?

A5. Engineering is currently getting pricing for bollards on the Jefferson-side of the Market Street office.

Q6. Can MSD publish employee infection rates on the webpage?

A6. Yes. Employees can find employee infection rate information at msdprojectclear.org/msdcorona by clicking on the “positivity dashboard” link in the right sidebar. Public Affairs will work to keep this dashboard as current as possible and will continue to include updates on infections in its regular COVID-19 updates.

Q7.  Has MSD considered allowing recent retirees to continue working in part-time positions?

A7. Department directors currently have the discretion to create part time positions and hire retirees to fill those positions, however, this process is complicated due to MSD’s pension plan.

Q8. Has MSD considered electric vehicle parking as part of the Market Street Green Infrastructure and Improvement project?

A8. Yes, MSD is currently considering electric vehicle charging stations in the rear parking lot as part of a future phase of the Market Street Improvement project. At this time, construction on this phase is anticipated begin in about three years.

Q9. Can MSD employees park in the Market Street parking lot to attend St. Louis City MLS matches?

A9. Under the current policy, employees may park in the Market Street parking lot if they have a permit.

Additional Questions?

Please submit additional questions to public affairs by emailing msdcorona@stlmsd.com or by using the button below.