What is LIHWAP?
Customers who are struggling to keep up with their wastewater (sewer) bills may qualify for assistance through the federally funded LIHWAP payment . This program is NOT through MSDPC. LIHWAP is administered by the Missouri Department of Social Services. You will need to apply online at mydss.mo.gov/utility-assistance or call 855-373-4636 to ask a team member to mail you an application.
Am I Eligible?

You may be eligible for help if you:
- Are responsible for paying the utilities for your home.
- Are a U.S. citizen or have been legally admitted for permanent residence.
- Have $3,000 or less in your bank, retirement, or investment accounts.
- Meet specific income guidelines here.
If all household members currently get Temporary Assistance (cash) or SNAP (Food Stamp) benefits, you are automatically eligible for LIHWAP, but you must still apply for the program to get the benefit.
How Much Can I Receive and What Does it Cover?
The maximum amount you could get is a one-time $750.00 payment, per Federal fiscal years (October thru September)–as funds are available. LIHWAP can help with water AND wastewater:
- Disconnection or reconnection fees.
- Threat of disconnection.
- Current and past-due bills.
If you are applying for assistance with your water and wastewater bills–you must provide all required information for BOTH at the same time. More details available when you apply.
You can apply for LIHWAP two different ways:
- Submit your application and documents online here; or
- Submit your printed application by mail, fax, or in person to your Contracted Agency
The contracted agencies for residents in St. Louis County and the City of St. Louis are as follows:
City of St. Louis, Wellston
Urban League (ULSTL)
1408 N. Kingshighway Blvd.
St. Louis MO 63113
Phone number: (314) 615-3632 Fax: (314) 615-3632
St. Louis County
Community Action Agency of St. Louis County (CAASTLC)
2709 Woodson Rd
Overland, MO 63114-4817
LIHEAP Phone number: (314) 446-4420
LIHWAP Phone number: (314) 446-4427
Fax: (314) 446-4480