Gravity Sewer Main Break In South County

Crews with the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) are making repairs after a sewer main break near Kinswood Lane and Marseille Drive in the Mehlville area of St. Louis County.  The leak was discovered on Thursday by an MSD contractor that was repairing a section of the sewer downstream.

It is estimated that over 75,000 gallons of sewage entered Martigney Creek, impacting approximately one-thousand feet of the creek. Due to the of the nature of the work being conducted on the sewer line downstream, repairs on the weakened sewer will begin once this work is complete. Repairs will begin today.  In the meantime MSD crews have set up temporary pumping around the break to minimize the amount of sewage going into the creek while all work, including repairs, are being made.

MSD has placed warning signs in these areas and advising the public to avoid contact with the affected section of this creek. While there is no immediate threat to public health or safety, the public is asked to avoid contact with the creek in this area while MSD crews make the necessary repairs and clean up the affected area.  If anyone should come into contact with the creek in this area, they should immediately and thoroughly wash with soap and water.

The sewer main break was reported to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, as required by law.