MSD Project Clear Responds to Force Main Break in North St. Louis County

MSD Project Clear (MSDPC) is responding to a force main break in North St. Louis County. The break was discovered on an 8-inch line in a wooded area off Uthe Lane late Saturday afternoon.

MSDPC crews responded to the scene, confirmed the location of the break, and shutdown the flow to the pipe within two hours. When the sun rises, MSDPC will evaluate the necessary repairs and mobilize contractors. Sewer service will remain unaffected, and cleanup needs will be determined after the repairs are complete.

Warning signs have been posted in the area, advising the public of the overflow. While there is no immediate threat to public health or safety, everyone should avoid wastewater. Anyone who comes in direct physical contact with wastewater should immediately and thoroughly wash with soap and water.

A force main is a sewer line that uses pumps to transport wastewater. Pumps and force mains are necessary when gravity alone is not enough to move wastewater through flat areas or over hills to a wastewater treatment plant.

MSDPC has reported the break to The Missouri Department of Natural Resources.