
Class of 1970—What’s Lost is Found

Sometimes a routine call for a water backup can become anything but routine. A few months ago, cleaning team, Jessie V., Larry S., and Brian R., was investigating a water backup call, that lead to cleaning or hydro flush of a sewer line in Webster Groves.  Something more than the usual leaves and debris was discovered. What appeared to be a ring was flushed to the surface. The crew noticed it, even though the lines had been cleaned several times…somehow the ring managed to elude being found though it was clear it was there for some time.

Hoping to locate the owner, the team took to social media to help narrow the search. After several months, a Facebook post about the ring was spotted by the former administrator of the Webster Groves Class of 1970. The administrator was able to track down the original owner based on the initials inside the ring for the 1970 graduating class using school alumni records.

Nearly a year after the ring was flushed from the pipes, Larry received an email from Martha Lee Martin, who grew up on Locust Street in Webster Groves. She reported losing the ring shortly after receiving it in 1970. After all these years, she never thought she would see it again. Now residing on a farm in eastern Colorado, Martha was finally reunited with her long lost class ring 44+ years later, thanks to the due diligence of an MSD cleaning team.