Call Before You Dig Tattoo

How Many Missouri One Call Tickets Does the MSD Customer Care Team Review in a Year?

We’ve all seen the commercials on television, asking residents to “call before you dig, it’s the law.” The  Underground Facility Safety and Damage Prevention Act, known as Missouri One Call,  requires its members to follow established marking standards, timelines, notification response processes, and information technology requirements. MSD is one of several utilities that respond to Missouri One Call requests, but the sheer volume of calls we receive may surprise you.  From July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014 (FY14) alone, MSD Customer Care reviewed 131,103 Missouri One Call tickets!

To ensure accuracy and a quick turn-around, MSD Customer Care follows a detailed process in responding to Missouri One Call requests. Customer Care reviews each ticket by locating the address on the Missouri One ticket in mapping, checking depths of sewer lines, comparing depths listed on the ticket, checking map scope locations of storm, wastewater, and force main lines where the digging/excavation will be done, and entering “locate manhole” service requests in Maximo as needed. Because of the team’s knowledge, expertise, and dedication, company assets are rarely hit (less than 1% of all tickets). This low percentage translates to time, money, and hassle saved by preventing accidental breaks. 

Of the 131,103 tickets reviewed, the Customer Care team entered 18,611 “locate manhole” service requests into Maximo—which the Utility Locators or additional crews marked. The team  of Utility Locators and additional crews, does an excellent job responding to locates in a timely manner, resolving emergency locates that are required by law to be marked within 2 hours. Non-emergency locates must be completed with 48 hours.

Each year, the number of Missouri One Call tickets and Maximo service requests have increased. To meet the growing demand, MSD will soon welcome additional Utility Locators. In addition, As of January 1, 2015, numerous changes go into effect, including a significant improvement that will generate a notification to the resident/contactor who creates a ticket request.  MSD’s Information Technology department is working behind the scenes to ensure we are prepared to comply with all the upcoming changes.

Thanks to all for the hard work!