MSD to Host Public Hearing on Fiscal Year 2015 Budget

The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) will host a public hearing tonight at 6:00 pm to formally present its fiscal year (FY) 2015 budget to the public.

The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) will host a public hearing tonight at 6:00 pm to formally present its fiscal year (FY) 2015 budget to the public. The hearing will take place at MSD’s administrative offices located at 2350 Market Street, St. Louis, Missouri, 63103 (corner of Market Street and Jefferson Avenue). During the hearing, MSD officials will review details of the budget and take questions from the public on the proposed expenditures. MSD’s FY 2015 budget totals $555.0 million and covers the operating, capital, and debt service needs from July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015. Highlights include:

  • Plans for 167 new or continuing wastewater projects, totaling $276.9 million.
  • Plans for 26 stormwater projects, including a continuing project from FY2014, totaling $6.7 million.
  • Total Capital Improvement and Replacement Program (CIRP) budget of $284.2 million.

In addition, the FY 2013-2016 capital program was able to save money thanks to consolidating sewer rehabilitation projects, efficient planning when designing sewer projects, and lower bids than anticipated on sewer projects. For the current FY 2013-2016 capital program, MSD is projected to be $17.5 million or 1.8% under budget versus costs presented to and approved by the Rate Commission. MSD anticipates meeting all consent decree and expected regulatory requirements through 2016.