Preparing for Rain/Melting Snow: MSD is Prepared & Tips for Residents

Preparing for Rain/Melting Snow: MSD is Prepared & Tips for Residents


We are cautiously optimistic that Friday’s rains will not lead to widespread problems. However, Mother Nature will dictate what actually occurs – particularly if large volumes of rain fall over a short period of time. Regardless of what Mother Nature chooses to do, MSD is prepared. MSD has more than tripled the number of crews to 30 whose sole job is to clear inlets.  We are focusing on low-lying areas where we know drainage accumulates during rainstorms and where the heavy snowfall may worsen the situation. To be prepared after regular business hours, we are also tripling the number of crews on standby and available to report for duty if needed. Through a systematic and aggressive maintenance program, our sewer system is well prepared to handle this volume of water. However, the rain and snow melt must be able to make it to inlets. With over 130,000 inlets to maintain and clean, it is impossible for MSD crews to ensure that each and every inlet is clear of snow, ice, or other debris from this past week’s winter storm. Thus, MSD is asking area residents to visually check inlets in their neighborhoods. If the opening of the inlet is covered by snow, ice, or other debris, please clear it away and ensure that water can flow into the structure. If an inlet is clogged and cannot be easily cleared, please contact MSD’s 24-hour customer service number at (314) 768-6260 or email us at Please also contact us if you discover ponding or flooding on a street due to a blocked inlet during the rainfall. While MSD cannot address ponding or flooding issues unrelated to our sewer system, calls for flooded streets and blocked inlets will be responded to as quickly as possible and on a priority basis. Remember, ponding can cause cars to hydroplane at high speeds. Slow down. If street flooding is particularly deep, do not attempt to drive through the water. To do so risks damaging your car and risks your life. BE SAFE – DO NOT TAKE CHANCES.



Understandably, given the amount of snow still on the ground, doing work around your home to prepare for the rain may be difficult – and, ideally, these and other drainage issues are best addressed during autumn clean-up. However, if possible, a few actions around your home can go a long way to prevent property damage: * Downspouts:  Make sure downspouts are clear and directed away from your home. If you can, dig them out of snow piles and allow them clear access to drain. As snow is shoveled or cleared using snow blowers, downspouts can often be dislodged or damaged. Misdirected downspouts can direct water toward a home, causing flooding within the structure or foundation damage. * Window Wells:  Many homes have window wells outside their basement windows.  If you can, clear snow from window wells. Be sure they are free of ice, leaves, and other debris so they can drain properly and quickly as possible.  If water accumulates, it presses up against the basement window, which in-turn seeps into or even floods the basement. * Stairwell Drains:  Homes that can be entered through a basement door will have a drain at the bottom of the stairwell. If you can, clear snow from these drains and be sure they are not blocked and are clear of ice, leaves, and other debris.  If water accumulates in the stairwell, it can seep into or even flood the basement. The overall goal is to make sure that rainwater/snow melt is directed away from your home as best as possible.