What is the goal of this project?
MSD Project Clear is investing approximately $2 million to design this project to install wastewater sewers to divert heavy flows away from house laterals that are susceptible to basement backups. This project will help alleviate instances of basement flooding.
Project Facts
- Construction is estimated to begin in early 2023.
- MSD Project Clear will install approximately 2,520 feet of sewer.
- The pipe size will range from 10 to 24-inches, allowing a large amount of wastewater to flow through the system.
What can residents expect?
Though construction for this project is not estimated to begin until early 2023, it is important to be prepared for what to expect. By the Summer of 2022, residents whose property will need to be accessed to construct the project will be contacted in order to obtain necessary easements.
Type of Construction:
While the exact methods of construction will be determined as the project moves towards the Construction phase, just like with any type of construction, residents can expect to see and hear heavy equipment during the sewer excavation process. The majority of this project will be constructed by a method known as “open-cut construction”. This means that crews will dig through the surface of the ground to excavate and install pipe.
Currently, MSD Project Clear Engineers have planned locations where “tunneling” will be used. Tunneling allows less disturbance to the surface, reducing traffic impacts and utility conflicts. For this project, there will be approximately 345 feet of sewer that will cross under Parker Road in order to minimize traffic disruptions and another tunneling location under the unimproved section of the channel near Derhake Road.
Traffic Impact:
As a part of this project, MSD Project Clear does expect traffic impacts to roads in this area. Temporary road closures are expected but the construction crews will work diligently to keep these closures during work hours. One lane of traffic will be maintained at all times. More specific information including timing and locations of these closures will become available once the project has a Contractor and they can determine a set schedule.
MSD Project Clear does expect times of temporarily reduced access for residential and commercial properties throughout the construction of this project. However, these timings will be temporary and the Contractor will work to minimize these instances.
The Contractor will restore the construction site according to all District and local requirements. This could include sodding any disturbed areas, replacing disturbed pavement, reinstalling fences, etc. More detail on this will become available after a Contractor is selected for the project ahead of construction.
What is the timeline?
This is the current tentative project schedule. This is subject to change based on a variety of factors including weather.
- Project design completion: Summer 2021
- Easement acquisition completion: Summer 2022
- Estimated construction start: Early 2023
- Estimated project duration: 12 months
For the most part, yes. However, there may be temporary disruptions when sewer construction crosses driveway entrances.
There may be temporary disturbance of these features. MSD’s contractor will restore fences and mailboxes as necessary and replace disturbed vegetation with new sod.
Documents will be uploaded as they are developed.
Stay Informed
Jennifer Gerwitz
MSD Project Manager
Please mention the Project Number: 12077