Grand Glaize Trunk Sanitary Relief (12272) - COMPLETED
As part of a long-term effort to reduce basement backups and sewer overflows, MSD Project Clear is designing a project to replace approximately 1,960 feet of wastewater pipe in City of Ballwin, north of Manchester Road and Holloway Road near the Ballwin Golf Club.
This project has entered the Construction phase. The Contractor selected for this project is Kelpe Contracting, Inc. Construction activities will begin in Summer 2022.
Construction Phase Neighborhood Meeting
Project Map
Why was this project designed?
As part of their evaluation, our team of engineers determined that the sewer in this neighborhood is undersized and in need of repairs. During intense rainfall, the sewers become overloaded leading to basement backups.
What is the goal of this project?
MSD Project Clear is investing approximately $722,000 to design and construct this project to increase the size of the existing sewer to reduce the likelihood of basement backups during heavy rainfall.
Project Facts
- MSD Project Clear will replace approximately 1,960 feet of wastewater pipe
- The pipe size will increase to between 6 and 15-inches in diameter allowing a larger amount of wastewater to flow through the system.
What can residents expect?

Residents whose properties will need to be access to construct this project were contacted in the Spring of 2021 to obtain necessary easements. If you have questions about your specific property, please reach out to the Project Manager.
This project will be constructed by digging through the surface of the ground in a process known as “open-cut” construction. The majority of construction work will take place in backyards and areas adjacent to the road.
Traffic and Access: MSD Project Clear anticipates minimal traffic and access disruption, however, temporary lane closures may be required. MSD Project Clear will maintain at least one lane of traffic at all times to allow residents to enter and exit.
Similarly, construction may lead to temporarily limited access to some properties along Geremma Dr. The contractor will notify property owners in advance of any access restrictions.
With any type of construction, residents can expect to see and hear heavy equipment during the sewer excavation process. The pictures above depict what a neighborhood will look like before, during, and after a typical project.
After all new sewer pipes are installed, the contractor will restore the construction site according to all local and District requirements. This could include sodding any disturbed areas, replacing disturbed pavement, reinstalling fences, etc.
At least one MSD Inspector will be on-site part of the day for every day the contractor is working.
What is the timeline?
This is the current tentative project schedule. This is subject to change based on a variety of factors including weather.
- Complete Project Design: Fall 2020
- Easement acquisition completion: Fall 2021
- Estimated construction start: Summer 2022
- Estimated project duration: 1 year
This project will help reduce basement backups which is when water overflows into a basement through a floor drain. This happens when more water gets into our sewers than the sewers can handle. MSD is not a flood authority, and our sewers cannot help to prevent overland flooding, which is when water from the surface gets into a home from window wells, cracks in your foundation, or other entry points. This project will help reduce backups, but it will not address flooding. At this time, MSD does not have a funding source to address overland flooding concerns. However, if you are experiencing overland flooding, please call our 24-hour customer service number at (314) 768-6260 so they can log your concern in our system. This will give us a better understanding of stormwater issues throughout our service area and will ensure that we are aware of your problem if we have an approved funding source in the future.
Trees will need to be removed to construct parts of this project. Property owners with trees that will need to be removed that are not located in already existing easements will be compensated for the removal through the easement acquisition process.
Residents on Geremma Drive may experience temporary access issues to their homes, but the Contractor will work with the homeowners to minimize these issues. The Contractor will restore driveway access at the end of each work day.
If construction is expected to take place on your property, you should have been contacted by MSD by the Fall of 2021. If you have questions about your property, please reach out to the Project Manager.
Stay Informed
(Please mention the Project Number: 12272)
Mike Warnecke, Kelpe Project Manager
Chuck McFarland, MSD Project Manager