Project Facts
This project will include a 15 MGD wet pit/dry pit pump station approximately 170-ft deep, approximately 669 feet of 18-inch and 24-inch force main, a biofilter, an electric sub-station, and associated improvements. The project will also include the construction of approximately 2,750 feet of sewers varying in pipe diameter from 8-inch to 36-inch, sewer abandonment, and various other improvements at seven remote sites along the alignment. The sewer construction will result in delivering flow from the existing conveyance system to the new tunnel and must be coordinated carefully with the project team.
What can residents expect?

Though construction for this project is not estimated to begin until Fall 2026 at the earliest, it is important to be prepared for what to expect. While much of the construction will take place in existing easements, MSD may need to obtain new easements from some property owners. Prior to construction, residents whose property will need to be accessed to construct the project will be contacted to obtain the necessary easements or to be notified of work that will take place in existing easements.
This project will be constructed by digging through the surface of the ground in a process known as “open-cut” construction. The pictures above depict what a neighborhood will look like before, during and after a typical open-cut project. However, for some of this project, tunneling will be used to avoid major traffic implications.
With any type of construction, residents can expect to see and hear heavy equipment during the sewer excavation process.
Traffic and Access: As much of the construction will take place in the street, residents should expect temporary lane closures. MSD Project Clear will maintain at least one lane of traffic at all times to allow residents to enter and exit.
Similarly, construction may lead to temporarily limited access to some properties along the construction route. Restrictions will be limited to active construction hours, and the contractor will notify property owners in advance of any access restrictions.
Restoration: After all new sewer pipes are installed, the contractor will restore the construction site according to all MSD and local requirements. This could include sodding any disturbed areas, replacing disturbed pavement, reinstalling fences, etc.
At least one MSD Inspector will be on-site part of the day for every day the contractor is working.
Timeline of Bidding Process
- Estimated Construction Cost: $73 million
- Advertisement Starts: January 2024
- Site Visit, Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference, and Diversity Fair: February 20, 2024
- Anticipated NTP: August 2024
- Design Engineers: HDR, Inc.
Additional Project Details
The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District has established subcontract utilization goals on Building Construction contracts exceeding $50,000. Building Construction project goals are 21% Minority Business Enterprise
(MBE) and 10% Women Business Enterprise. Additional workforce requirements apply to contracts greater than $500,000. The Building Construction Program guidelines are available on MSD’s website under Diversity Policies and Forms at