Martigney (11481)
As part of a long-term effort to reduce basement backups, sewer overflows, and to improve creek bank stabilization, MSD Project Clear is constructing a project to replace approximately 458 feet of sewer and stabilize approximately 768 feet of a natural creek in South St. Louis County.
About the Project
Public Meeting - May 19, 2021
Project Map
What is the goal of this project?
MSD Project Clear is investing $1.2 million to design and construct this project to relocate the existing wastewater sewer that is currently exposed due to creek eroision and provide natural channel stabilization.
What work is being done?
- MSD Project Clear will relocate approximately 458 feet of wastewater pipe. This work will take place in the backyards between 415 Fairwick Drive and 465 Fairwick Drive.
- MSD Project Clear will also stabilize approximately 768 feet of natural creek bank using modular block wall, rock toe protection, and rock lining. This work will take place in the backyards listed above as well as between 440 Golden Valley Drive and 550 Golden Valley Drive.
Why is this project being constructed?
Part of MSD’s wastewater sewer in this area is exposed and threatened due to creek erosion. This project will relocate the exposed wastewater sewer and stabilize the creek bank to protect the wastewater pipe and some of the nearby private properties from future creek erosion.
How will it be built?
MSD’s contractor, Gershenson Construction Co., Inc., will relocate the pipe by digging through the surface, a process known as “open-cut.” The contractor will dig a trench several feet into the ground, remove the old sewer pipe, and replace it with a newer, larger pipe.
What can residents expect?

With any type of construction, residents can expect to see and hear heavy equipment during the sewer excavation process. The pictures above depict what a neighborhood will look like before, during, and after a typical project.
Because this project is primarily located in yards and on private property, we do not anticipate any significant traffic or property access disruptions.
Residents and/or property owners along the construction path should move small portable items outside of the easements and inform MSD of dog fences, sprinklers, and other underground assets.
After all new sewer pipes are installed, the contractor will restore the construction site according to all local and District requirements. This could include sodding any disturbed areas, replacing disturbed pavement, reinstalling fences, etc.
At least one MSD Inspector will be on-site part of the day for every day the contractor is working.
What is the timeline?
- Construction start: May 2021
- Construction end: October 25, 2021
Previous milestones:
- Project design completion: October 10, 2019
- Easement acquisition completion: October 13, 2020
MSD does not anticipate sewer service or other utility services being disrupted during this project. We will work with Missouri One Call to locate utilities before beginning construction. Occasionally, the contractor may run into utilities that were not located by Missouri One Call which could result in temporary utility disruptions. If this happens, MSD will work with the utility to restore service as quickly as possible.
As most of the work will be within backyards and private property, MSD does not anticipate any access restrictions to driveways.
Trees may need to be removed to construct parts of this project. If there are good options to avoid removing trees, MSD will make every attempt to do that. Property owners with trees that will need to be removed that are not located in already existing easements will have been compensated for the removal through the easement acquisition process.
Stay Informed
Scott Deering, On-Site Inspector
Tracy Rodgers, Construction Supervisor