Mulberry Creek Sanitary Relief (12355)
As part of a long-term effort to reduce basement backups and sewer overflows, MSD Project Clear is designing a project to construct approximately 4,200 feet of wastewater pipe in the Cities of Crestwood and Sunset Hills. The project is estimated to begin construction as early as the Winter of 2024.
About the Project
Public Meeting - June 22, 2022
Project Map
Why is this project being designed?
As part of their evaluation, our team of engineers determined that the sewer in this neighborhood is undersized. During intense rainfall, the sewers become overloaded leading to basement backups and wastewater overflows into Mulberry Creek.
What is the goal of this project?
MSD Project Clear is investing approximately $4 million to design and construct this project to increase the size of the existing sewer. This will reduce the likelihood of basement backups during heavy rainfall and prevent untreated wastewater from spilling into local waterways.
Project Facts
- Construction is estimated to begin as early as Winter 2024
- MSD Project Clear will replace approximately 4,200 feet of wastewater pipe
- The pipe size will increase to between 8 and 24-inches in diameter allowing a larger amount of wastewater to flow through the system.
- This project will remove one known overflow, which is a point where untreated wastewater spills from the sewer during heavy rain.
What can residents expect?

Though construction for this project is not estimated to begin until at least Winter of 2024, it is important to be prepared for what to expect. Starting in the Winter of 2022, residents whose property will need to be accessed to construct the project will be contacted in order to obtain necessary easements.
At this time, MSD Project Clear anticipates the contractor will use two methods to construct the project. Most of the project will likely be constructed by digging through the surface of the ground in a process known as “open-cut” construction. In areas with utility conflicts, traffic control issues, or general access concerns, the contractor will likely use tunneling, which allows them to lay pipe with minimal disruption to the surface. Tunneling will be used to cross Lindbergh Boulevard to minimize traffic disturbance along this MoDOT roadway; to cross Eddie and Park Road to avoid large utilities; and to cross a large storm sewer culvert in Harwich Drive.
Traffic and Access: Because much of the construction will take place in the roadway, residents should expect lane closures and possible changes to traffic patterns.
The contractor will follow all local ordinances and will notify all properties of any temporary access restrictions. In areas where open-cut construction will be used, there will be periods when driveways may be inaccessible. The contractor will give all property owners ample notification prior to any access restrictions.
With any type of construction, residents can expect to see and hear heavy equipment and significant volumes of truck traffic during the sewer excavation process. The pictures above depict what a neighborhood will look like before, during, and after a typical project.
Sewer Service: While MSD’s contractor is connecting a home’s lateral to the new wastewater sewer, they may ask residents to limit water use. In general, this process can take between two to five hours, depending on the complexity of the connection. The contractor will notify property owners in advance.
MSD does not anticipate other utility services being disrupted during this project. We will work with Missouri One Call to locate utilities before beginning construction. Occasionally, the contractor may run into utilities that were not located by Missouri One Call which could result in temporary utility disruptions. If this happens, MSD will work with the utility to restore service as quickly as possible.
Project Clean-Up and Restoration: After all new sewer pipes are installed, the contractor will restore the construction site according to all local and District requirements. This could include sodding any disturbed areas, replacing disturbed pavement, reinstalling fences, etc.
At least one MSD Inspector will be on-site part of the day for every day the contractor is working.
What is the timeline?
This is the current tentative project schedule. This is subject to change based on a variety of factors including weather.
- Complete Project Design: Late Summer 2022
- Easement acquisition completion: Late Summer 2023
- Estimated construction start: Winter 2024
- Estimated project duration: 27-36 months
While MSD’s contractor is connecting a home’s lateral to the new wastewater sewer, they may ask residents to limit water use. In general, this process can take between two to five hours, depending on the complexity of the connection. The contractor will notify property owners in advance.
MSD does not anticipate other utility services being disrupted during this project. We will work with Missouri One Call to locate utilities before beginning construction. Occasionally, the contractor may run into utilities that were not located by Missouri One Call which could result in temporary utility disruptions. If this happens, MSD will work with the utility to restore service as quickly as possible.
In general, District policy is to restore affected areas to the same or better conditions than before the project. Streets that are disturbed through this project will be replaced and repaved with similar material. The project’s restoration will meet all local and District requirements.
During easement acquisition, an MSD Right of Way Agent will work with property owners to discuss restoration on their property. Most yard areas will be resodded with the same material. Driveways, walkways, and other hard surfaces will be restored using the same materials that are currently in place. In wooded ground areas, District policy is to seed the disturbed areas.
During active construction, some property owners may experience driveway access restrictions for a short period of time. The contractor will notify property owners in advance of any temporary access restrictions to allow them time to move their vehicles. The contractor will also fill trenches with gravel or place steel plates over trenches during non-working hours so residents can use their driveways during those times
MSD will instruct its contractor to keep the site reasonably clean and clear of debris. MSD will have an inspector on site every day during active construction. Prior to the start of construction, MSD will give every resident and property owner along the construction site the inspector’s contact information. Community members are encouraged to bring any concerns to the on-site inspector or any other member of the project team.
FAQs section will be updated as questions are sent in to the Project Manager.
This section will be updated with additional documents as they become available.
Stay Informed
(Please mention the Project Number: 12355)
Sam Bush, MSD Project Manager