Reynosa-Melitta Streambank Stabilization (11630)
As part of a long-term effort, MSD Project Clear is providing channel stabilization and installing new sewer lines in Unincorporated South St. Louis County, south of Interstate-270 and East of Tesson Ferry Road. The Contractor selected to construct this project is DJM Ecological Services.
Project Map

Why is this project being constructed?
MSD is investing approximately $700,000 into this neighborhood with this project to provide channel stabilization and install new sewer.
Project Facts
MSD Project Clear will be:
- Providing approximately 710 feet of natural channel stabilization
- Installing approximately 92 feet of wastewater sewer that will be 10″ in diameter
- Installing approximately 36 feet of stormwater sewer that will range from 12″ to 48″
How will it be built?

MSD’s contractor will determine the most appropriate method of construction based on traffic, access concerns, and utility interference. For this project, the entirety will be constructed by digging through the surface of the ground in a process known as “open-cut” construction. The series of pictures above provide a representation of what open-cut construction will look like.
How will this affect residents?
Because the majority of construction will take place in backyards, construction should minimally affect traffic and property access.
Traffic is only expected to be impacted while trees and soil are being transported out, and when materials and supplies are being brought in. MSD will have a traffic mitigation plan to ensure residents maintain access to their homes.
With any construction, residents can expect to see and hear heavy equipment during the sewer excavation process. The pictures above depict what a neighborhood will look like before, during, and after a typical project.
At least one MSD Inspector will be on-site part of the day for every day the contractor is working.
When will construction take place?
Construction start date: November 2021
Estimated construction completion: Spring 2022
What will it look like when it's done?
After the contractor installs all new pipes and finishes channel stabilization, they will restore the construction site according to all local and District requirements. This could include sodding disturbed areas, replacing disturbed pavement, reinstalling fences, etc.
MSD will not replace plants, ornamentals, or other items in the construction easement or public right of way. Residents who wish to keep such items should move them before construction starts.
This section will be updated with questions as we receive them. Have any more questions? Contact the Project Manager.
Some trees will need to be removed to construct parts of this project. MSD will work with an arborist to evaluate all of the trees along this project. If there are good options to avoid removing trees, MSD will make every attempt to do that.
Property owners with trees that will need to be removed that are not located in already existing easements will have been compensated for the removal through the easement acquisition process.
MSD does not anticipate sewer service or other utility services being disrupted during this project. We will work with Missouri One Call to locate utilities before beginning construction. Occasionally, the contractor may run into utilities that were not located by Missouri One Call which could result in temporary utility disruptions. If this happens, MSD will work with the utility to restore service as quickly as possible.
Stay Informed
Tracy Rodgers, Construction Supervisor
Debra Jarvis, Resident Inspector