Brentwood and Red Bud CSO Elimination (12139)

Brentwood and Red Bud CSO Elimination (12139)

As part of a long-term effort to reduce basement backups and sewer overflows, MSD Project Clear is constructing a project to replace approximately 9,200 feet of undersized wastewater sewers and 4,200 feet of undersized stormwater sewers in the cities of Richmond Heights and Clayton. MSD Project Clear will also disconnect sources where stormwater and groundwater enter the wastewater sewers (known as inflow and infiltration) from approximately 24 private properties.

About the Project

Public Meeting - January 10, 2024

Public Meeting - August 20, 2020

Project Map

Northern part of the project

Southern part of the project

What is the goal of this project?

MSD Project Clear is investing approximately $14.4 million to separate the sewers, increase the size of wastewater and stormwater pipes and disconnect sources of inflow and infiltration from about 24 private properties in the cities of Richmond Heights and Clayton. The goal is to reduce basement backups and sewer overflows, which occur when the sewers become overloaded during intense rainfall. This project will reduce such occurrences by increasing the size and capacity of the existing sewer. In addition, one constructed overflow point (known as a CSO) will be removed from the wastewater system.

Project Facts

  • Construction is estimated to begin in early to mid-2025.
  • MSD Project Clear will construct approximately 16,600 lineal feet of sanitary and storm pipe sewers, varying in size from 6” to 36” in diameter and will remove the inflow sources from 24 private properties.
  • Estimated project cost is $19.3 Million

Utility Relocation

MSD has launched a pilot project to reduce conflicts with other utilities prior to project construction. Prior to beginning construction on this project, MSD will coordinate with Spire, AT&T, Missouri American Water and Ameren to relocate utilities in the construction path to avoid outages and reduce delays. This preliminary work is currently underway. Pavement will be restored after these relocations are completed.

What can residents expect?

Though construction for this project is not estimated to begin until mid 2025, it is important to be prepared for what to expect. While much of the construction will take place in existing easements, MSD may need to obtain new easements from some property owners. Prior to construction, residents whose property will need to be accessed to construct the project will be contacted to obtain the necessary easements or to be notified of work that will take place in existing easements.

This project will be constructed by digging through the surface of the ground in a process known as “open-cut” construction. The pictures above depict what a neighborhood will look like before, during and after a typical open-cut project.

With any type of construction, residents can expect to see and hear heavy equipment during the sewer excavation process.

Traffic and Access: As much of the construction will take place in the street, residents should expect temporary lane closures. MSD Project Clear will maintain at least one lane of traffic at all times to allow residents to enter and exit.

Similarly, construction may lead to temporarily limited access to some properties along the construction route. Restrictions will be limited to active construction hours, and the contractor will notify property owners in advance of any access restrictions.

In the City of Richmond Heights, the following impacts are anticipated:

  • Traffic along E Linden Ave between Everett Ave and Terrace Dr is anticipated to be severely impacted. Road closures where construction occurs is anticipated daily.
  • In addition, Winzenburg Dr and Terrace Dr will also be severely impacted with daily closures. Only one roadway to be impacted at a time in area bounded by E Linden Ave, Winzenburg Dr, and Terrace Dr.  ROW west of E Linden Ave between MetroLink and Terrace Dr may be utilized by contractor for storage and temporary access.
  • Portions of Bryan Ave and Everett Ave will be impacted with localized closures.
  • Streets within Lake Forest Dr Subdivision will be impacted with localized road closures.

In the City of Clayton, the following impacts are anticipated:

  • S Bemiston Ave will be impacted between Clayton Rd and Davis Dr.
  • Davis Drive to be impacted between Davis Dr and N Biltmore Dr.
  • Road closure along S Bemiston Ave at alley north of Clayton Rd.

Restoration: After all new sewer pipes are installed, the contractor will restore the construction site according to all MSD and local requirements. This could include sodding any disturbed areas, replacing disturbed pavement, reinstalling fences, etc.

At least one MSD Inspector will be on-site part of the day for every day the contractor is working.

What is the timeline?

This is the current tentative project schedule. This is subject to change based on a variety of factors, including weather.

  • Complete project design: Summer 2020
  • Utility relocation start: Early 2024
  • Easement acquisition completion: Fall 2024
  • Estimated construction start: Early to Mid-2025
  • Estimated construction duration: 3.5 years

Frequently Asked Questions

MSD’s team evaluated another option that included directing combined sewer flows to a CSO storage tunnel that MSD will be designing and constructing.  The sewer separation option was the most cost-efficient way to achieve the project goals.

Working hours for the contractor are typically from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Different working hours may be requested by the Contractor and approved by individual municipalities according to the respective city’s ordinance.

Trees may need to be removed to construct parts of this project. Property owners with trees that will need to be removed that are not located in already existing easements will be compensated for the removal through the easement acquisition process. If there are good options to avoid removing trees, MSD will make every attempt to do that.

After private stormwater is disconnected from the wastewater system, it will drain naturally across the surface via natural drainage ways and into the new MSD storm sewer or existing combined sewer (that will be used for storm water drainage when project is complete).

This project will help reduce basement backups (often referred to as “flooding”) which is when water overflows into a basement through a floor drain. This happens when more water gets into our sewers than the sewers can handle. Because MSD will be separating the stormwater from the wastewater system, this project will reduce the likelihood of basement backups. MSD is not a flood authority, and our sewers cannot help to prevent overland flooding, which is when water from the surface gets into a home from window wells, cracks in your foundation, or other entry points. This project will help reduce backups, but it will not address flooding.

During active construction, some property owners may experience driveway access restrictions for a short period of time. The contractor will notify property owners in advance of any temporary access restrictions to allow them time to move their vehicles. The contractor will also fill trenches with gravel or place steel plates over trenches during non-working hours so property owners can use their driveways during those times.

Prior to beginning construction, the contractor will need to submit a traffic control plan to MSD for approval. This plan will include information on where residents should park during access restrictions. MSD will hold a second public meeting after a contractor is selected and prior to beginning construction to inform residents about the traffic control plan and other construction details.

The construction timeframe will depend on the type of work taking place on each property. MSD will hold another public meeting after it has selected a contractor for this job. At that time, residents may speak directly with the contractor to get a better idea of anticipated construction timeframes for their property.

Occasionally a contractor may experience unexpected delays during construction due to unforeseen soil conditions, unanticipated utilities, weather, etc. If you have questions about construction delays, please contact the project manager or call MSD’s 24-hour customer service number at 314-768-6260 and ask to speak with the project manager.

MSD will update Frequently Asked Questions as the project manager receives questions.