Category: Everyday MSD

Stormwater BMPs and the Stormwater BMP Tool Kit

Post-construction stormwater best management practices, or BMPs, are natural and engineered systems that control the quality, rate, and volume of stormwater runoff from developed areas.

FAQ: FY2012 Proposed Budget

After months of assessing the goals identified in our Strategic Business and Operating Plan, the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) submitted a proposed budget of $377.6 million for fiscal […]

Another Rain Barrel Sale Scheduled for June 18

Thanks to everyone who participated in our May 14 Cash and Carry Rain Barrel Sale! If you missed out, good news: we’re having another one! The next MSD Cash and […]

How MSD is Applying Good Business Practices

When overflows increase and a wastewater treatment plant nears its operating capacity, there has historically been one logical solution: expand the treatment plant.

Rain Barrel Sale is May 14

MSD will host a one day, Cash and Carry Rain Barrel Sale for customers. MSD is offering the rain barrel program as part of its efforts to promote the use […]

What Your Sewer Dollar Buys You

Each day, MSD’s complex maze of underground pipes collects wastewater generated by all of St. Louis City and 80 percent of St. Louis County, conveying it to one of our […]