Creating Safe and Effective Systems From Below Ground and Up

We deliver and regulate stormwater and wastewater facilities to protect the water environment for our community.
The 244 employees of the Engineering Department plan, design, and build the sewer infrastructure the St. Louis region relies on. We ensure that the District stays compliant with environmental regulations to protect our region’s water resources. And, we help keep our CIRP projects on time and in budget to provide affordable service rates for our customers. The second largest department in the District, Engineering is organized into four divisions: Planning, Design, Construction Management, and Environmental Compliance.
Planning is responsible for short- and long-range planning for sanitary, storm, and combined sewer projects that make up MSD’s annual Capital Improvement & Replacement Program (CIRP), digital asset management, hydraulic modeling of the sewer systems, and compliance with regulatory requirements. The division oversees the Development Review section including plan review and permitting for all private developments and municipal improvements for sewer drainage systems, as well as informing the public on MSD activities.
The Design division prepares construction bid documents and property rights acquisition for sewer projects. Working with engineering consulting firms as well as our colleagues in the Operations Department, we design and bid out large and small capital projects as well as infrastructure repair projects.
The Construction Management Division oversees contract management for all CIRP construction projects, inspects and approves work done to our sewer system whether municipal or private, as well as handles correspondence, contractor change orders, and file management.
Our Environmental Compliance Division provides assistance and enforcement for environmental regulations; laboratory analysis of wastewater, stream, and sludge samples; administers MSD’s Field Monitoring Program, Emergency Response, Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Program, Regulatory affairs, and other MSD environmental compliance efforts.