In the trenches and out, we are the team that keeps MSD going

Meet MSD Operations & Maintenance, the boots-on-the-ground team that cleans the water and keeps it moving.
With more than 600 employees working throughout our service area, Operations comprises nearly 2/3 of MSD’s total staff. Charged with operating and maintaining seven treatment plants, approximately 279 pump stations, and over 9,600 miles of wastewater and stormwater sewers, our crews in the field are supported by our expert customer service call center, fleet repair services, warehouse services, and asset management team.
Our mission is to protect the public health, safety, and water environment by effectively operating and maintaining MSD’s wastewater and stormwater infrastructure.
Often, Operations serves as the public face of MSD. Our crews are the ones you see in your neighborhood inspecting, cleaning, and repairing the sewers. We transport and treat wastewater and return it safely to local rivers. We work for the community to make it a better, cleaner, and safer place to live. Not only are we employees, many of us are MSD customers with a vested interest in properly handling the wastewater and stormwater in our service area and doing so in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
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