Protecting the financial health of our organization and our community

We manage the District’s costs and revenue to improve financial performance.
The 60+ employees making up MSD’s award-winning Finance Department support all departments by ensuring a steady flow of funds to support District activities, managing costs for necessary equipment and services, accounting for all financial aspects of District activity, and conducting short- and long-term financial planning to ensure the District can continue providing critical services to our customers and the community at large.
Each employee works in one of four key divisions. Financial Administration is responsible for the management of the District’s financial affairs. Within the administration division, our Analytics team develops and/or monitors the District’s various budgets, user charge rate modeling, periodic financial reporting, and ad-hoc analyses for District trustees, senior management, and external stakeholders.
Providing the revenue that keeps MSD going strong, our Accounts Receivable division maintains account receivable records for each of MSD’s 426,000 customers. We collect all payments and enforce user charge ordinances as they pertain to non-payment of charges through the use of automated collection calls, collection agencies, litigation, and termination of services when necessary. Our Call Center team assists customers with billing and collection issues and can be reached at 1 (866) 281-5737.
Responsible for the integrity of District internal and external financial data and reporting, the Accounting division supports the District by providing accounting services, bill payment, and record maintenance in accordance with accepted accounting principles and District policies. Accounting is responsible for three primary functions: Accounts Payable, General Accounting, and Capital Accounting.
Our Purchasing division contracts for all supplies, materials, and services needed by the District. Using competitive bidding practices, we secure reliable and cost-effective sources for the goods and services used throughout the District. We are also responsible for the maintenance of the Market Street headquarter office and mail and package shipping and receiving.
For many of our 426,000 customers and contractors, the Finance department is their primary contact with MSD. Not only do we maintain a steady stream of revenue through monthly billing, we also ensure that our business partners are paid promptly. In FY20, our budgeted expenditures for Operations and Maintenance were $215.9 million and another $350.1 million for the Capital Improvement and Replacement Program. Combined, that accounts for over one-half billion dollars going back into the local economy.
Our award-winning team has been recognized with the Government Finance Officers Association’s (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award every year since 1987, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting every year since 1988. We’ve also received the GFOA’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting every year since 2012, the first year MSD provided a submittal for review.