Safely Draining Pools & Spas
Chemicals used in maintaining pools and spas, such as Chlorine, can impact aquatic life and affect the ecological balance in local streams. Because many storm drain sewer inlets lead directly into area waterways, it is important that pools and spas are safely drained to keep our streams healthy.
- Chlorine content should be low, and the water free of other chemicals. By not adding Chlorine to the water for several days, it will dissipate to acceptable levels.
- The pH level of the water should fall within a 5.5–11.5 range.
- Water that is cloudy, discolored, has algae or sediment, or shows the presence of other contaminates, is not ready to be drained. Water in this condition should be chemically treated until it is clear. It can then be drained once it has met the conditions above.
- Water may be drained on the owner’s property—provided it goes to a drainage channel, storm drain sewer inlet, or along the curb line gutter of a paved street and not cause a nuisance or municipal code violation.
- Drainage must be monitored to ensure that it does not cause any erosion, and water flow to the sewer must be at a controlled rate as to not overflow the sewer system.
Also, be sure to always properly store and seal chemicals to prevent leaks and spills!