
Bioretention is a depressed landscape feature which stores, filters, and infiltrates stormwater runoff. Bioretention is an attractive Best Management Practice (BMP) on many developments because it can be tucked into greenspace such as curb and cul-de-sac islands, streetscape, and planter boxes.

Basic components important to most St. Louis area bioretention “cells” are vegetation; organic soil that will drain well and provide growing media for plants; a graded filter of sands and gravels below the soil; a perforated underdrain pipe beneath the graded filter to ensure the bioretention will drain; and an overflow structure to pass storms larger than the bioretention design storm.

Click here for Approved Bioretention Soil and Gravel Suppliers

Bioretention basins may be designed to manage a site’s Water Quality (WQv), Channel Protection (CPv), and 2yr-24 hour and 100yr-24 hour Flood Detention (Qp) requirements.  This is accomplished by nesting the WQv, CPv, and Qp volumes within a single basin. Learn more.