Technology Matrix

In 2006, MSD established performance requirements for post-construction BMP requirements in its Rules and Regulations and adopted Chapters 3 and 5 of the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual (Maryland Manual). The Maryland Manual provides the methodology for designing many kinds of post-construction stormwater BMPs, including stormwater ponds, infiltration BMPs, filtering systems, open channel systems, stormwater wetlands, and stormwater credits (e.g., natural area conservation and impervious area disconnection). MSD anticipated that it would be necessary to adapt its rules and the Maryland Manual to local conditions and requirements. A primary goal of the BMP toolkit is to share these adaptions. Click on the technology names below to find design, construction, and maintenance information on the technologies most commonly used in MSD.

BMP Technology Performance/Function
Volume Reduction Water Quality Treatment Channel Protection Storage Peak Flood Detention Storage
Bioretention Yes Yes Yes Yes
Permeable Pavement Yes Yes Yes Qpv Reduction Only*
Amended Soils Disconnection Yes Yes CPv Reduction Only* Qpv Reduction Only*
Rainwater Harvesting Yes WQv Reduction Only CPv Reduction Only* Qpv Reduction Only*
Green Roof Yes WQv Reduction Only CPv Reduction Only* Qpv Reduction Only*
Sheet Flow to Buffer (Credit) Yes Yes CPv Reduction Only* Qpv Reduction Only*
Sand/Perilite Filters No Yes No No
Stormwater Ponds and Wetlands No Yes Yes Yes
Proprietary BMPs No Technology Dependent Technology Dependent Technology Dependent
Open Channel Use (Credit) No Yes No No
Dry Detention Basin No No Yes Yes

*By curve number modification. See calculation tools.

Selection of post-construction stormwater BMPs for a site depends in part on regulations. The technology matrix indicates the function that MSD typically recognizes for the most commonly used BMPs. Examples of how BMP technologies are used to meet stormwater management requirements are below.

Click here for: Artificial Playing Field Performance and Design Criteria